Thursday, June 19, 2008

this is what happened

The couple came to the house...they arrived at 12:30 and decided within 5 minutes that they wanted Max. They paid us for him and took him home with them. Did we make the right decision? It doesnt feel like it. My heart hurts....there is this silence in our jingle of his little pitter patter of his feet on the what I am going to do? I want to call the family and tell them that it was a huge mistake and that we need Max back.....I will suffer through allergies and all..I dont care! Its funny how attached you can become in such a short time. He was my little man..he filled my days with frustration (because he kept whizzing in the house) and also with a lot of joy. He made me laugh, he made me cry (when he bit to hard)...he made my world a brighter place! I know in my heart that there is a reason for all of this...I just wish I knew what it was! Perhaps Max will have a better life in his new home....there is another dog for him to share his days with....

Ahh...but I will miss out on the fun stuff...Puppy Kindergarten, Agility training.....all the fun stuff! Perhaps another dog will come into our lives...(once we get the backyard done in hardscape) or perhaps it will be a smaller house dog that doesnt need to be outside...Only time will tell and only time can mend my heart!

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