Monday, June 23, 2008

Quiet Empty house

Our house has been quiet since more jingle of Max's tags as he wakes up from a nap, no more squeaky ball being thrown down the hall....this has been quite an adjustment. Its been hard as well..I am missing him more and more each day. I did however speak to the new owners and they told me he is doing great...he loves playing with the other dog and he even went swimming....

I had the conversation all worked out in my head...this is how it went:
" How's Max doing?" (angie)
" He's terribly sad, he wont eat, he just mopes around all day..looking for you. We feel so bad for him we want him to go home to you." (new owner)

This is how the real conversation went:
" How's Max doing?" (angie)
" He is doing great, doesnt seem to missing home, loves it here, he loves the Golden and he went swimming. He's eating well and sleeps through the night. He is great!" (new owner)

I am glad that Max is in a good home and that they can care for him and love him as much as we did...its just hard to get over. In time..when we have more hardscape we can get a dog....until then..if you have a dog, I am coming over to play!

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