Saturday, June 27, 2009

I am Bozley

this post really doesnt need a title.....but if it had to have one it would ....."what do you want?"

backyard remodel

So we are currently in the process of re-doing the backyard! I am allergic to grass and when the puppy plays on it...I scratch! So in an attempt to stay out of the doctors office we have decided to get rid of the majority of the grass! We were planning on doing all of this even before the puppy came. There are great and wonderful plans that we have for the backyard, incuding..but not limited to:
1. Outdoor kitchen
2. Less grass more patio area
3. Pergola of some sort
4. Wood deck to look out on the hills
5. Hot tub

So this morning we decided to start at it and went out to remove the grass...we have a lot of grass! After about 45 minutes and getting nowhere...I suggested that we go rent a rototiller from the Home Depot. Ryan agreed and off he went! That thing was amazing! We (meaning Ryan...someone had to entertain the pup) got all of the grass removed in 4 hours!!!! AMAZING! I am sad that I didnt take any real "before" pictures....but there will be plenty as the project continues! For now enjoy the shots working in the heat...and yes, we chose one of the hottest days this year to do all of this! We are NUTS!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bozley Chronicles

Bozleys favorite spot on the couch..underneath his pillow! We call it the Boz cave!

Bozley and Daddy in the hammock

I'm gonna get you!

Super Boz-man!

We had to do a remake of Pride Rock! Ryan is so proud of this little man!

So cute!

Super fast!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

our new family member...BOZLEY

This is Bozley....Bozman...Bozell...but mainly Bozley! He is the newest addition to our family. The story is: Ryan and I were not looking for a dog. If you recall the last one we had to give away becuase of my allergies. We were working on the back yard..trying to rid it of grass an be more allergy and puppy friendly. Tuesday, we got a call from sister in law who owns the Magnolia Bird Farm with her dad. One of the girls that works for her had found this addorable little pup wandering around her apartment complex. He had no she picked him and up and put flyers up all around saying that she had found a lost puppy. She had no response..and still hadnt 3 days later. She wanted to keep the little guy, but knew that she couldnt. So she brought him to work to see if she could find a good home for him. The minute my sister in law and niece laid eyes onhim they knew that Ryan and I would want him. They told me over the phone...."he looks just like Max!" Let me tell you...he does...even not cuter! So Ryan and I took him home. I later took him to the vet to make sure that he didnt have a microchip....if he did I would want the original owners to have him back (although...I I really want to? They did let him wonder off!) He had no microchip. They told me he was between 8-10 weeks old and a Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier! He is in good health, got his first set of shots yesterday along with some de-worming meds and flea meds! He is sucha good boy! He sleeps really well in his crate and does really good at night! 4-6 hours at a time!!! Nice for us! He is getting used to his new surroundings and is adjusting well! I am still adjusting to my allergies...but now that I know what to look for I can fight it before it gets out of hand! I keep thanking God that he decided that Bozley was meant for us!!!! I love him so much and its only been 3 days!!!!

He is the cutest!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

our neighborhood is going to the pigs!

This is Kooter, a 7 1/2 year old pet pig that lives in our neighborhood! I have seen him several times and have wanted to stop and take pictures...but today he came on my street! The owner tells me that he is really too smart for his own good. He is 7 1/2 but has the mind of a 5 year old and the temperament of a 2 year old. This guy weighs in at 175 pounds...and he likes the ladies!