Monday, November 1, 2010

RH Fullerton Trunk or Treat

We have the honor of attedning RockHarbor Fullerton. Being part of a community that want to give back and watch people grow. For the past 8 months we have been meeting at the Wilshire Auditorium in Downtown Fullerton. It has been a good home to us...a place for us to establish who we are as a family. This coming weekend, we will be making the move to Hope International University Auditorium. This is an exciting season for us as we begin family ministries! Yeah!
As a way to thank the neighborhood that has "put up" with us for the past couple of months we hosted Trunk or Treat. A chance to say good bye and also a chance for us to say..."you have a family...come join us!" Below are just some of the many cars that participated! Thank you RH Fullerton.....we LOVE our FAMILY!

its been a while

Its been a long time since my last post.....I kept telling myself that I should update this thing..but everytime I sat down to do it, something else came up. It has been a very month for us around here....

Here are some of the highlights
* Went up to Stanford with Craig and Jake to watch the USC vs Stanford game. USC lost....but we had a great time
* I had bronchitis for 2 weeks and the thought of doing anything else other than sleeping...well it made me sleepy
* Ryan has been super busy with the launch of MobilePay seems as though every other night he is in a meeting..oh well it cant last much longer
* We dressed up like elves from from the movie "Elf" for Halloween and had a great time connecting with families at Truck Or Treat!
* I am sure there is more..I just cant think of it!