Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Young Year in Review...2007

Wow..what a year it has been and we thought that this was the easiest way to fill you all in on what has been happening! We spent our 1 year anniversary in Hawaii and had a great time. We spent some time in Sacramento and Tahoe and a week in San Diego. We went to Mexico for a wedding (that was a lot of fun..thanks Marvin and Karine) We have been to Arizona numerous times to visit with Ryan's family. We bought a new car, had a puppy for 18 hours (Angie was very allergic to the little guy and it broke her heart to have to give him back) We went to see John Williams at the Hollywood bowl and even got a chance to take in Wicked (Angie loved it and wants to see it a million more times)

We have spent hours with Angie's mom as her Alzhiemer's progresses. She is now in the final stages of the disease..probably the hardest of them all. Nancy is now 100% blind, but can still make out shadows. She no longer recognizes us when we visit, but calls for Angie throughout the day. This has been one of the hardest journeys Angie has had . It is hard to watch your parents suffer before you. Nancy is in a good place now, where she has amazing caregivers who love and adore her. It gives Angie peace to know that her mom is being cared for. We visit with her often and are trying to make the most of her last days!

Ryan was promoted at work , giving him longer hours and more and more work to do...but he really seems to enjoy it . Angie is still working on her Photography business and has many happy clients..but is eager to build her client base up. She has also taken on a teaching role with the Anaheim YMCA. There she is teaching photography classes at the various after school sites....it is very rewarding and she is looking forward to the new year where she will be working at even more schools and will also be working for a small photo studio part time.

We have looked at what seems to be a billion houses in hopes that we will find the perfect one for us...we are waiting through this housing market hoping to pick something up here soon! Its a fun adventure us and we are so excited to see what God has in store for us! Hopefully it will have 3-4 bedrooms , a large yard( for the puppy to come)and large area to entertain( we love having friends and family over, but are in such a small space right now its hard)

All in all..its been a great year! ( as you can see by the pictures..and there are so many more that we would love to post! ) We are surrounded by good friends and family! We are reminded daily of how much our Lord loves us. What a blessing it is to be a child of God!

Wishing you and your family a very Happy 2008!

Ryan having fun with the Giraffe at the Wild Animal Park
At the Wild Animal Park
Wine Tasting...or should I say after wine tasting...
More wine tasting
Halloween 2007..Mercury and Minerva
On the shores of Lake Tahoe..Angie's home
Amy comes to town....

Angie having fun with the Giraffe
At the Getty
John Williams with friends!
At the wedding in Mexico..did we mention that Ryan's brother was the official pastor?

Christmas 2007
Angie with friends
OUr 18 hour dog...no he didnt die...Angie was allergic we had to bring him back
Our little bear!
Ryan....need we say more!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

thoughts and such.....

November 7, 2007

The first Tuesday night of every month is Alzheimer's Support Group night. Ryan and I became involved in May and have been going once a month to these meetings. Our first time there was a milestone in the fact that I got to share all that was going on and then found out that I am not alone in what is going on...there are others that are dealing with the same issues. It has been an amazing forum for us and I look forward to going each month....there are many times that I wish it were more than once a month...

Last night was our meeting night and we went. We had nothing new to report...just going for support...maybe a few answers to questions. I didn't expect what I would find last night. We were starting the meeting when in walked a few new faces. Father and daughter...and the father was so overwhelmed by what was and is happening to his wife of 53 years. He is 77 years old and the primary care giver of his wife who is 75. She was diagnosed a few years back and is going through what my mom went through. At any rate this man....a gem of a man...told us his story and I thought of my step father Art and all that he did for my mom. He was the primary care giver to her..he had countless nights of no sleep because my mom would wander and turn on lights or do silly things that at the time made no sense...He gave up so much for her to stay at home as long as she did and for that I am so thankful. I guess I never realized just how much he did...He was kind and passionate and gentle...he took care of my mom as best as he could...no formal training..nothing ...just what he knew to do by instincts.
Words cant express how thnakful I am that he was there to care for my mom..I know that we have had our differences..but the one common thing that we share is a love for my mom and only wanting what is best for her.
So we had nothing to share last night ...but I learned a whole lot and God is tugging at my heart strings to really reach out and thank Art for all that he did and is still doing! He needs to know that I am grateful!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


October 23, 2007

Ryan and I returned home from our vacation last week in Escondido. We played golf, we played tennis, we drank wine and then more wine at the local wineries..we saw the wild animals and we relaxed. Just what the doctor ordered a little time away from our normal lives. I find it funny that although we didn't go somewhere exotic or far off ( we were only 60 miles from home) we rested. Its amazing what a change of scenery can do for you! All in all we had a great time and we really enjoyed using our timeshare! (what a blessing)

As we were returning home we were listening to the news of the wildfire in Malibu and wondering why the sky was so dark and smoky...could it be just from the fire in Malibu? And to our surprise it wasnt..there were a few fires going. The closest we have been to the fires is to the one that started in Irvine. So many of our friends live so close to the burn area and were on alert in case of evacuation...so we opened our doors to them...but thankfully (because their houses are still standing) no one needed housing....but our doors are still open and the air purifier is still running..keeping the air in the house breathable! The fires arent even close to being out and there are about 1 million people right now in Southern Cal that are displaced...my prayers are with them all!

In mom news...she is doing okay...she took a fall last week, but nothing to bad..just a bruise and small cut on her arm. It was good to see her after being away for such a long time... I missed her! Perhaps tomorrows visit will be a little better...we shall see!

Enjoy some pictures from our vacation!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

another update...

Its been a while since I wrote an update about my mom...things have been going well, not great but not to terribly bad. I believe that she is nearing the end..just today when I was with her she looked as though she was losing muscle tone in her face. It is hard to see my mom like this. She is much calmer these days..thanks to the mounds of meds that she has to take. But at any rate, she is calmer..she seems at times to be relaxed. Her muscles are becoming more rigid and she really cant see anything..she is (I believe) 100% blind now. They tell me that she is still sleeping from 8:30pm to 8:30am with no interuptions ( I do envy that) and that she is eating pretty well. Her appetite has decreased..but she still insists on walking around. She has had no major accidents..so there have been no trips to the ER lately.
I am trying my best to see her every other day....it is hard as I would rather go see her everyday. But I know for my own health and wellbeing that I need to take breaks. She is being cared for and loved by the staff at Bryant Ranch.

Thats pretty much it...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Amy and Andy come to town....oh so briefly...


Amy and andy came into town this past weekend..a short little visit from Denver. We were able to spend most of Sunday with them. The weather was perfect...couldnt ask for a nicer day.. it had rained the day before so the skys were bright blue and the sun was out...beckoning us to Balboa! Andy has never been to Balboa ( he's from Chicago)..so we went and enjoyed the day on the beach. Shopping and eating and laughing...

Ryan and I cant wait until our trip to Colorado...perhaps this November we will make it out there....to see the seasons change and to spend more precious time with a dear friend! I am blessed beyond measure!!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

September Update

It's been far to long since I last posted anything and felt that I needed to. Let me first say I am sorry to the Korn Family for a previous post. I was upset with a certain situation and should have kept my feelings to myself. I am sorry if I hurt any of you in the process.

As mentioned before this has been a tremendously hard for me. Watching your mom decline before you eyes is hard. It has taken a toll on me and I am on those around me.

There has been no real change with my mom lately..I think in a way she is giving up. I think on some level she knows that her body is giving away and that her days are growing shorter. It is because of this that I spend time with her. She is my mom, the only one I've got...except my most amazing mother in law....Love you Jo!!

I often find myself thinking about the days growing up with my mom. The fun that we would have...just me, my mom and my grandma..we were Liz's girls... My mom was my best friend, I could tell her anything. She was who I turned to for advice and comfort when things were hard or tough in my life. I cant turn to her now...all I have are the memories. Thank you mom for making my childhood such a fun one filled with such amazing memories!

On another note...not to change the topic so drastically.....but it is hard to type with tears in my eyes... I didnt get the job with the YMCA..I was told that I had a job and offered the job, but then told I needed to go to one more interview. Say what? So I went and didnt get the job. I know now that this is God way of really SLAMMING that door shut and locking it with a million little locks....and a big sign that says..."STAY OUT..NOT FOR YOU" So for now I am doing my photography thing...looking into art school and taking care of my family.

I am super excited for this weekend...my best friend Amy will be here. More than a friend to me....more like a sister! I cant wait!!! Until then...

Thursday, September 6, 2007

as promised

As promised....here are some pictures of the puppy that my niece and nephew got. Her name is Yankee SnickerDoodleDandee...snickers for short!!! Enjoy!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

September 2, 2007 Update

Okay....it has been a few days and things have happened..so I might as well update this!

Mom: We had an appointment with her Psychiatrist this past Thursday to change up her meds, so she wouldn't be as agitated in the afternoons...so far it is working. Ryan and I went to see her yesterday and she was nearly asleep..so relaxed and peaceful. It was a huge blessing to me to see that...today I am going to attempt to give her a haircut....that should be fun!

YMCA: I interviewed with them on Tuesday and should know something this week. I am really excited about this opportunity and really feel good about it. What a great job it would be for me....and I know that I would be good at it! So with any luck, next time I write about it...it will be that I got the job!!!

In other news..my adorable nephew Jacob started High school this past week. I have only been in the family for 3 years...but this kid has really been a huge blessing and it is strange to see him in high school, talking about football games and such. Its quite fun. My niece Rebecca starts high school this week as well....these kids sure are growing up fast. And last but not least, Jacob and Megan finally got their puppy. She arrived yesterday via airplane from Oregon. Her name (for now) is Snickers (Yankee Snickerdoodle Dandee). She is quite possibly one of the cutest puppies I have seen. She is a GoldenDoodle (part golden retriever and part poodle..this makes her hypo-allergenic) So excited to have a new puppy in the family and am waiting for it to grow to be a BIG dog....sorry Craig!!!

will post pictures of this most adorable creature later!

Friday, August 24, 2007


It is now Friday and I saw mom two days ago and I took with me her husband. It was a hard visit for him seeing that he hasn't seen her in about two and half months (maybe longer). So in a way it was progress... Later that day I decided to call him to se how he was doing, I was being nice. I understand that seeing a loved in that condition can be hard and I wanted to make sure he was okay. So I did and sure enough he was having a hard time. I cant imagine how hard this is for him....

In other news...
I have a job interview with the Orange County YMCA for a Youth Development Program Director position. I am very excited and feel really good about this....my friend Shelly told yesterday that she has never seen me happier then when I was working at the Y. (at least with work..being happy) So that interview will take place this coming Tuesday!!!!

And tomorrow I am helping to shoot my first wedding!!! So exicted that I get to be a part of a big day with my camera and really try to work on my art!!!! Yeah!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

mom update...(angie)

It has been a while since I posted anything new about my mom....not alot has changed. She is doing well and getting acclimated to her new surroundings. She is still very restless during the day...she rarely sits or rests. But when it is time to go to bed at night..my mom sleeps and sleeps well. As the disease progresses I see less and less of the mom I used to know. She is still super independent (or at least likes to think she is) Every once and a while, she says or does something that reminds me that it is my mom...something she does that brings me back to memories I have of my childhood growing up with this amazing woman.

This has been perhaps the hardest thing I have had to endure in my life..I am thankful everyday that I am close by and that I can still spend time with her. She may not recognize me or know who I am, but I believe that she still knows that she is deeply loved!

I am reading a few good books right now that are helping me to better understand what is happening to my mom..
"Dancing with Rose...by Lauren Kessler"
The 36 hour day
Preventing Alzhiemer's (Thank you Rob, for this great book)

I will be posting more later...as I am going to see mom today....and I am taking her husband (my step-dad) with me!

Trip to the land of eternal sunshine and heat...also known as Arizona!

A few weeks back Ryan and I headed out to Arizona...with us we brought along our amazing and wonderful niece Megan. Megan was coming along with us to see her cousin Alexis (Alex, Ally) whom she had not seen all summer. We told Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Paul and Aunt Cassy that we were bringing Megan and it was going to be a surprise for Ally...and surprise it was. What a great time those two had that weekend.
Ryan and I also had a great time in Arizona..despite the heat (111 degrees..yikes) The time we got to spend with our family out there was priceless...we played cards, we ate....we visited with all the family out there and then it was time to go. Where had the time gone..we had just arrived and now we were packing the car up and heading home.
Our times in Arizona never seem like they are long enough...there is always so much to do and so many family members to see..its hard being so far away from family. But we do enjoy the times we get to spend out there.

Funny note...when we arrived mom and dad came out to greet us at the car and to our surprise we saw a dad that we did not recognize...Dad had grown a beard! He looks so good....just took us by surprise at first!! Dad ...you look great!!!!

Another thing.....I got to experience one of my first Monsoon storms...it was late at night and Megan and I stayed up watching the lighting light up the sky! It was so amazing...an ever present reminder of how AMAZING our GOD truely is!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Well...yesterday Ryan and I brought home a new addition. His name is Bear..or least it was while he was in our care. You see..Ryan and I both suffer from dog allergies and we thought we were being smart by getting a Lhasa Apso - Poodle mix..they are supposed to be hypo-allergenic. They probably are to most people..but to me...they arent. In fact, my allergies got really bad and within 6 hours of owning the dog I knew that he had to go back. This was a heart breaking realization for me....I have waited so long for this puppy...and now to be allergic to him....ITS JUST NOT FAIR!!!
So we took him back this morning...puffy eyes, swollen throat and all...Bear is back with his buddies at the pet store...I am heart broken and I miss him dearly already..I didnt realize jsut how attached I was to him.

The reason for us getting a puppy was to bring a little joy into our lives....as mom's disease progresses...we needed something that would bring us endless amounts of joy and happiness...and he did all that...just also brought out the worst of my allergies!!! STUPID ALLERGIES!!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

A brief history...

As many of you know, my mom has Alzheimers...or an Alzheimer's type dementia. She was diagnosed about 3 years ago and has been in steady decline since then. This disease has affected her vision, her skin sensitivity and her ability to do daily common tasks that we do so easy....bathing, eating, dressing, walking...
Most recently my mom went to live in a nursing home in Yorba Linda. She was there for four months while we tried to get her meds adjusted just right...nothing was working. The meds would begin to work and then she would go downhill once again. We finally met the right doctor who specializes in cases like my mom...he got her on the right meds. (Praise God they are still working) Because the meds were working we decided that it was time to move mom from the nursing home into a Residential Care Facility. Many of you are wondering...why not just bring her home...that is a complicated answer. Just know that her husband could not care for her any longer in her house.....and does not want a home health nurse in his home either. Ryan and I would love to have mom at home with us, but we live in a small apartment and realize that it just wouldn't be healthy for us. So we moved her into a Residential Care Facility at the end of July.
What a great move...mom did great...but the adjustment period has been one of the toughest times of my life. Mom has had several falls, one requiring a trip to the ER ...she is doing better now.
At this time I am waiting for God to take her home..there is no other way to put it. I want her to be happy and cared for and in the arms of her loving heavenly Father....
I created this blog as a way to post my thoughts...but also to keep you (friends and family) up to date in the ongoing trails that I am facing! Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!!!