Friday, June 27, 2008

Life Group Wiffle Ball

Last night instead of our normal going over curriculum we decided to take the Life Group to the field for a little competition. ( we did this because we knew so many in our group were going to be missing) At any rate..Maria, the organizer did a great job and we had a great time..with the exception of my injured finger....(who knew being hit by wiffle ball in the finger would hurt so bad that it would make you laugh so hard that you start I'm a sissy) This is a tradition that is to be kept up in our group as there is this "cup" that we are playing for! The next team challenge is in the works! What fun it will be!Maria...the great organizer!
Sadie...THE MVP.....3 Home runs in the first inning!!!!! WOW!
The winning team...check out that score.....29 to 10
Hey batter, batter.....swing!
The highly coveted "Cup"

Thursday, June 26, 2008


This afternoon while running a few errands I decided to brave the mall and return a shirt that I didnt need and that I more than likely would never wear. One of my favorite pastimes while at the mall is stop in a the Puppy store...a few weeks ago this wouldnt have even phased me...but today it was so super hard! Last week (thursday) Max went to his new house...a terrible day for me..since then I have been sad and gloomy....but I made myself worse by going in the Puppy store...ALL the pups in there were so STINKING CUTE...even the not so cute ones were cute today! It just made me miss Max even more....but he is doing well! I need to not torture myself by going in the puppy least until my heart has healed a little more!!!!

mom kisses

Today I went to go see my mom....she was sitting quietly in the living room. I came in and sat down next to her and began to talk to her. She wanted to stand up, so with a little help from me she was standing. Of course I have to hold her up as she does not really have the strength any longer to stand on her own. While I was holding her up I took the opportunity to give her a BIG hug and tell her how much I love her. I kissed her on the cheek and then the forehead...then the most amazing thing if she really knew it was me..he daughter...her grip around me tightened into a great hug and she kissed my shoulder...twice! I began to well up and I couldnt control the tears...there are just days when a girl needs a hug and kiss from her mom and today was one of those days!!! Thank you mom for being so instinctive and loving me!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pippin Merriweather Hornbostel

Yesterday, Anna and EG brought their new little pup up to the party.....she is a cute little budle of fur and something that I would is not an outside dog! are some pictures of the cutie!This is Pippin
She weighs less than 5 pounds
Anna and Pippin

Ryan's 31st Birthday

Technically, Ryan's birthday isnt until tomorrow..but we celebrated with friends yesterday! We had about 15 people over to have pizza and then go see "Get Smart". We were going to BBQ, but with the triple digit heat lately we decided it would be easier to just make pizzas. It was a great time and the movie was WONDERFUL!!!!! Very FUNNY and ENTERTAINING!

I got Ryan this shirt that says "I am the Stig" Its from his favorite Car show on the BBC
We didnt have 31 candles, but what we did have I made in the shape of a 31
Ryan and the guys...Randy, EG, Matt, Enoch and James
He didnt want to blow the candles instead he tried to extinguish them with his fingers!

Quiet Empty house

Our house has been quiet since more jingle of Max's tags as he wakes up from a nap, no more squeaky ball being thrown down the hall....this has been quite an adjustment. Its been hard as well..I am missing him more and more each day. I did however speak to the new owners and they told me he is doing great...he loves playing with the other dog and he even went swimming....

I had the conversation all worked out in my head...this is how it went:
" How's Max doing?" (angie)
" He's terribly sad, he wont eat, he just mopes around all day..looking for you. We feel so bad for him we want him to go home to you." (new owner)

This is how the real conversation went:
" How's Max doing?" (angie)
" He is doing great, doesnt seem to missing home, loves it here, he loves the Golden and he went swimming. He's eating well and sleeps through the night. He is great!" (new owner)

I am glad that Max is in a good home and that they can care for him and love him as much as we did...its just hard to get over. In time..when we have more hardscape we can get a dog....until then..if you have a dog, I am coming over to play!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

this is what happened

The couple came to the house...they arrived at 12:30 and decided within 5 minutes that they wanted Max. They paid us for him and took him home with them. Did we make the right decision? It doesnt feel like it. My heart hurts....there is this silence in our jingle of his little pitter patter of his feet on the what I am going to do? I want to call the family and tell them that it was a huge mistake and that we need Max back.....I will suffer through allergies and all..I dont care! Its funny how attached you can become in such a short time. He was my little man..he filled my days with frustration (because he kept whizzing in the house) and also with a lot of joy. He made me laugh, he made me cry (when he bit to hard)...he made my world a brighter place! I know in my heart that there is a reason for all of this...I just wish I knew what it was! Perhaps Max will have a better life in his new home....there is another dog for him to share his days with....

Ahh...but I will miss out on the fun stuff...Puppy Kindergarten, Agility training.....all the fun stuff! Perhaps another dog will come into our lives...(once we get the backyard done in hardscape) or perhaps it will be a smaller house dog that doesnt need to be outside...Only time will tell and only time can mend my heart!

what is going to happen?

Ryan and I have both been suffering with allergies....Seasonal allergies and then dog allergies. To say the has not been fun. I have a rash (allergic reaction) on my hands..although it is somewhat clearing up it is still there and still hurts...and it is spreading. This allergy is due to grass...not fun! Ryan's allergies are to the Dog..his saliva and his dander. Max is hypo-allergenic, meaning he doesnt shed, but he still has dander witch can be a severe problem. So all that to say, we have decided to find a new home for Max. This is one the hardest things I have had to do..its like giving up a child..only worse! (some of you are could it be worse than giving up a child...if you know me then you understand) We have a couple coming over this morning to see Max....Secretly I hope they dont like him..but it will be better for all of us! Maybe someday we can get a dog..when our backyard is all hardscape and I dont have to worry about the grass! This sucks!

Our dog snores

So Max is asleep right now....because he was up all night playing in his crate....getting us up every hour! Silly dog! But that is not what this is about...Max Snores.....I mean really snores! It is so cute!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Allergies and other fun stuff

So although Max is a "hypo-allergenic" breed we forgot to think about my allergies to grass. Our backyard is all grass and while I am fine to stand on the grass, I cant sit int he grass or play on the grass or get close to Max after he has been on the grass.....I am having some serious skin reactions because of the grass. I am constantly itchy and watery eyed....but the love of a dog is stronger.

Although..this little Terror ....I mean Terrier is giving me a run for my money! I will prevail and he will know that I am boss! Lets just hope and pray that we can figure out the allergies..otherwise we have to get rid of Max. Not what I want to do! Please pray with us!

Friday, June 13, 2008


In a previous post I said that Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers were the calmest of the terrier family.....I think that is a miss print....there is nothing...NOTHING calm about our dog!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Our first trip to the Vet

Let me first start off by saying that Max is was nothing serious..just a case of kennel cough. He first started coughing Saturday morning and has gotten worse over the past couple of we thought that it was time to bring our little guy in! Max did not enjoy his time at the office...first off they weigh him (10lbs 11 oz) and then listen to his lungs ( he has phlem) and then take his temp....thats the part he didnt like...cold glass up your rear.....I dont think I would enjoy that either. But our little guy was so good and did such a good job! He was such a hit at the Vet's office..everyone fussed over him and how cute he is ...."oh he's so cute..." " Where did you get him?" " What kind of Dog is he?" Is this going to be my life as I bring this bundle of fur out? We came home from the Vet's office with meds and all tuckered out! He slept for 2 hours!!!

Other Max news...he is finally eating his food!!!! This is a huge relief...for the first few days he barely ate he plows through his food! That's my boy!!!!

Max has another visit with the vet this Friday..this time for shots... so he can play with other puppies and go out in public!!! Watch out world.....I dont think you are ready for MAX!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

A brief mom update!

Its been a while since I posted anything new on mom. I guess that is because there isnt much new to post. She is doing well. She is losing muscle mass in her left leg and cant really stand on it anymore..I assume that she will bound to her wheelchair here pretty soon. She does require a wheelchair to get back and forth from her room to the bathroom and living room. She is sleeping more in the afternoons and looks really healthy. I cant imagine what her world is like..I hope that she knows just how much she is loved!!!

Some more of Max....

So many chew toys to chew favorite is still Angie's arm
In the jungle..the MAX lurks....
Such a happy pup!
Ryan and Max....
Max behind bars!!!

Max has been home with us for 4 days now and he is adjusting to life with us..or should I say that we are adjusting to life with him. He is such a bundle of energy and loads of fun, except when he is trying to chew your arm off....any ideas on how to get him to stop! He is growing fast..I can already see the difference in size since Friday. He has his first Vet appointment tomorrow..going to get some more shots. Almost done..then we can take him to play other puppies!!!

Heres a little something from our book on Wheatens:
Wheatens are not great obedience dogs, they bore easily with repetitious commands and require a lot of fun time....great! What have we gotten ourselves into???

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Max is Home...

We brought Max home yesterday and lets just say that he is a very spirited little pup...I think he finally crashed last night at about 10:30...but slept through the night! For that we are thankful. When I say slept through the night..I mean he slept and then woke up at about 5:30am...much to my dismay. So I got up with him ....and we played and played and played some more! Ryan and I had committed ourselves to a work party at a friends house, so we crated up Max and went for a few hours...HE DID SPECTACULAR!!!!

He is truly an amazing pup...he has razor sharp teeth and one feisty attitude!!!! He is Wheaten ...100%

We love our little man, even when he is trying to remove the flesh from your hands and arms...such is the life of a puppy!!! As I write this, he is napping next to me..must have tired him out again!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Meet Max

This is Max. He is a 12 week old Sot Coated Wheaten Terrier. He comes home with us on Friday! He will grow to be between 30 - 45 pounds and loves affection and to be near you! Ryan and I are so excited and can hardly wait!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

soft coated wheaten terrier

Tonight Ryan and I are going to look at a few soft coated wheaten terrier puppies...these pups dont shed and are great for allergy suffers like us. They are the calmest of the terrier family and make wonderful additions to families! Could this be the face of our new family member? We will find out tonight!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Royal Family Kids Camp

This summer I am going on a new adventure....I am volunteering for a week at the Royal Families Kids Camp I will be one of the camp photographers, preserving precious memories for these amazing kids!!! Please pray for us as we begin to prepare for the kids and the camp!!! I am so excited and honored that I am able to serve! say the least!

We just got bac from seeing the new Indiana Jones say that I am disappointed is an understatement. I knew going in what the plot held for me...but I did imagine it would be like it was...I thought maybe just referencing would take place....Oh well. I must admit it was entertaining and to watch Shelly squirm with the ants..that made it worth it! Perhaps the next??? will be better?