Saturday, June 7, 2008

Max is Home...

We brought Max home yesterday and lets just say that he is a very spirited little pup...I think he finally crashed last night at about 10:30...but slept through the night! For that we are thankful. When I say slept through the night..I mean he slept and then woke up at about 5:30am...much to my dismay. So I got up with him ....and we played and played and played some more! Ryan and I had committed ourselves to a work party at a friends house, so we crated up Max and went for a few hours...HE DID SPECTACULAR!!!!

He is truly an amazing pup...he has razor sharp teeth and one feisty attitude!!!! He is Wheaten ...100%

We love our little man, even when he is trying to remove the flesh from your hands and arms...such is the life of a puppy!!! As I write this, he is napping next to me..must have tired him out again!!!

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