Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Boating in the Harbor

 Back in September we bought a Groupon for Boating in the Harbor....it was a great deal.  This past weekend we decided to use it and took along Peter and Bozley.  Bozley had the best time....there is nothing he enjoys more than wind in his face! He did so well on the boat.  He was a little nervous at first, especially when we were on the dock and it was moving...but once we were on the boat he was good to go!  We are especially lucky to live in such a beautiful place....Orange County has some of the best weather....looking at these pictures you would think it was summer time ...but nope...it February!    Happy Boating!
 Bozley....hanging out

 wind in my face....

 look a duck....

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

striving for...

I have to be ME

If you were to ask me what makes me smile and my heart sing on a daily basis I would say wholeheartedly…
My husband and my puppy

If you were to ask me what has changed my life in immeasurable, incomprehensible and amazing ways I would say…
my relationship with my Heavenly Father and my AMAZING husband

And so I blog.
About my life
my loves
my dreams
my struggles
and my personal triumphs.

I blog WITHOUT excuse for who I am

Without shame for my imperfections.

I share
what’s on my heart, my mind,
what’s burning in my soul.

I am:
A Wife
A Bozley mommy
A Child of God
A Daughter
A Niece
A Sister
An Aunt
A lover of coffee
A Grad School Student
A Young Life Leader
Someone who gets excited about making a decision, but they has a hard time pulling the trigger.
Needs to talk to my friends on the phone often.
Needs alone time with my husband
Craves quality time
Loyal, trustworthy and a good friend
A person who will do anything I can to help a friend in need
A STUBBORN Finnish girl
A skier….at least I used to be
A woman who wishes I could be more, do more, and touch more lives

But most importantly I am ME
The way God created me to be
Perfect despite my imperfections,
my quirks,
my fears,
and my strengths.

And so I blog.
My story
Because God has given each of us a story and it’s our job to share it.