Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A whole lot of shaking going on...

This morning while in the shower of all places a 5.4 magnitude earthquake hit. Normally I am okay with earthquakes..but this one has rattled me. I think it had to do with where I was in the house at the time of said quake. The earthquake's epicenter was about 5 miles from ou house, so the jolt was pretty strong. Everything is okay here..no real damage..just a broken picture frame and the bikes fell over in the garage. I was so shaken that Ryan came home so I could finish my shower. I am married to the most amazing man!!!

Checked in with mom's caregivers and she is fine. There was no damage there and she wasnt even phased by it. So that is an answer to prayer! Also talked to my step dad, he was in the back yard planting parsley when the quake hit. He reported no damage..although it was a strange feeling being in the backyard when it hit.

All in all we are okay..nerves are still a little rattled, but no worse for wear!

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