Wednesday, June 2, 2010

May update

Its been really busy around much happened in the month of May that I never had time to post. Here is a recap...for those that are interested!

The first part of the month was fairly uneventful..with the exception of celebrating a good friends 40th birthday! Todd you are now an old man!

The second 2 weeks of the month I spent being sick. I had a respiratory infection and a sinus infection ....not so much fun!

May 15, we celebrated my friend Amy and her soon to be son! It was a beautiful day...for a beautiful woman!

May 19 - 22 Ryan and I were in Boston! Ryan had to head out for the Vince Group Spring Meeting and they brought me along as the photographer! I must say that I LOVE Boston! What a great city! Seriously...we decided that if we ever had to move to the East coast it would be around the Boston area!

Ryan and I both worked like crazy people...and it is not slowing down! Oh well....

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