Friday, February 27, 2009

I love a little yard work

So I should have taken some pictures to go with this post....oh well!
Imagine if you will a yard with grass that is getting taller and taller..and everytime you think about going out to mow it starts raining! That has been us the past few weekends or even weekdays when I have had time to go out and work in the yard. This morning I had had it with our overgrown lawn and decided it was time. So I got out the edger and and edged the lawn (front and back), I then mowed both the front and back yard, then fertilized the lawn...because it was time and then took the leaf blower and cleaned everything up! Done! Tomorrow....I am going to work on the flower beds...because I need to make a run to the nursery...and I also need to pick lemons. Anyone need any? We only have about 300 on the trees right now!

I do truly enjoy being in the yard...the sun on my face and the warmth in the air. Hearing the birds and just enjoying God's creation!!!! What a joy it is!

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