Thursday, January 5, 2012

Welcome 2012

This is our hope for the new year.....2011 held a lot of tears and frustration for us.  When welcoming in the new year we said " 2012...if you aren't going to be better than 2011...then don't bother"  

Not to say that all of 2011 was a bad year.
It had some good moments

I started Grad School
Ryan was welcomed back to Cofiroute after leaving for a start up
We had a lot of time together with the family
We started attending RockHarbor Orange and love our family there
I got involved with Young Life again
We had good health 
We had a roof over our heads and food on the table
We were not in want of anything.....God's provision was enough.

Its still hard not to look back on 2011 and say....good bye...see ya later! 
Here is to moving on and moving forward! 
May 2012 be the BEST year!

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