Thursday, January 5, 2012

a little about me

A little about me....

I sometimes snack during the day and call it a meal.
Can't start the day without my coffee.
I Work out at least 5 days a week...cant stand it if I don't..might be a little obsessed
I don't like to cuddle while I sleep.
I would rather talk on the phone than text message.
I will sometimes break into song while chatting with friends.
I love puppy kisses

I'm a bad friend because...
I can be ADD sometimes.
I have a habit of over-committing myself and having to back out.
I forget to text people back.

I'm a good friend because...
I'm loyal.
I will do whatever I can to help my friends.
I love to celebrate my friends successes.
I will cry with you when you're sad.
I'm trustworthy.

I'm sad because...
My mom is sick and away from home ...I HATE ALZHEIMERS

I'm happy because...
I'm so blessed.
I have an amazing and loving husband.
My marriage is better and stronger than it's ever been.
I get to hang with high school students (Young Life)
My little man Bozley

I'm excited for...
celebrating 6 years of marriage to the most AMAZING man ever!
Date nights.
GRAD school
New possibilities.
A new year.
Time off.

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