Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I am so excited to be a part of this AMAZING ministry once again. I was a leader many years ago, but due to my busy and hectic work schedule at the time I wasnt able to continue. I hated leaving a ministry that meant so much to me. Young Life is where I met Jesus. I had amazing leaders that loved me and valued who I was a teen. They told me the great news and showed me Jesus in the way they lived their lives and how they interacted with me. During my college years I was a leader and loved it. Sharing the gospel with High School kids is an amazing gift.

After I left being a Young Life leader 11 years ago, I thought that I would never be able to come back to it. That I would always have a job that was too demanding, that wouldnt allow time for me to invest in the lives of kids. But, god had different plans. I have wanted to get involved for quite some time now, but timing wasnt right.....until now! I love how God's timing is ALWAYS right! I emailed Kristy Fox and told her that I was interested in getting involved again....what would it look like? Would I be a leader, on committee...what? As luck would have it they needed another female leader at Foothill High School! I went to my first leadership meeting on Sunday night and then my first event last night! It feels so natural to me...Thank You Jesus!

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