Tuesday, January 11, 2011

eleven in eleven on the eleventh

I meant to do this post about 11 days ago, but never got around to it! So here it is a little bit late! Every year I sit down and come up with goals that I am going to do through out the year...this year we are going for 11 since it is 2011...

So here they are in no particular order:
1. Love my HUSBAND better....with a love that matches Christ's love for him!
2. Fall back in love with my Savior
3. 365 project....take at least one picture a day and post it!
4. Work towards obtaining a Masters Degree in School Counseling
5. Make Meriweather Magoo's a success
6. Develop deeper relationships with my close girlfriends (Anna, April, Tracy and Shelly)
7. Try at least 2 new recipes a month
8. Build a garden box in the backyard for my veggie garden!
9. Be more purposeful with time with family
10. Break a sweat (workout of some sort) 300 out 365 days (thats only 5-6 time a week)
11. Appreciate the little things in life...the daily blessings!

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