Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Young Year in Review

January: Ryan and I celebrated 3 years of wedded bliss
February: I felt the nearness of God as I struggled with my moms disease
March: Ryan and I went to Denver to visit my dear friend and her husband. I finally put together my garden in the front of the house
April: I turned 35
May: We hosted a baby shower for the Thompsons...awaiting the arrival of Miss Avalee
June: We brought home our own little bundle of fur...BOZLEY
July: worked at Royal Family Kids Camp and we welcomed little Miss Avalee on the 4th!
August: We started work on the backyard remodel
September: Made our first round of Limoncello. Amy and Andy came out to visit for Amy's birthday and spent the day at Disneyland!
October: Walked in the Memory Walk in honor of my mom. Bozley got stung by 3 bees and went into shock. Saw Star Wars in concert with Anna and EG. Hosted the Halloween party on our newly finished backyard patio!
November: Hosted our first Thanksgiving at home. Went to Kauai
December: Spent Christmas in Arizona. I got hired with Play-Well TEKnologies as a LEGO Engineer!

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