Friday, January 8, 2010

The goals of 2010

So this post is a little late..I should have posted this last week....but hey I have been busy! Generally I dont make resolutions....mainly because I know that I will not keep them. I have ADD when it comes to resolutions...they sound so good, but then I lose interest and move on. So, I make goals....that way I can give it the old college try and if it doesnt work out then so be it. No harm , no foul! So here are this years no particular order.

* Love my Husband better
* Try one new recipe a week ( I will try to post the recipe as well)
* Break a sweat ( one form or another) for 300 of the 365 days
* Read the Bible (entirely)...I get bored in the old testament so I am starting in the NT this time!
* Volunteer more
* Worry Less
* Smile More
* Appreciate the little things
* Journal at least once a week
* Blog once a week!
* Take my camera out once a week and shoot around! (post pictures????)

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