Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lake Tahoe 2012

Fanette Island...Emerald Bay
Ryan and I had the chance to get away for a few days.  We drove up to Tahoe to attend my 20 year high school reunion.  Ryan and I have been to Tahoe once before, but it was only for one night.  This time we stayed in Squaw Valley for 3 nights and had some great times on the lake! The weather was beautiful and even had Thunder and lightening our last night.  I never appreciated the beauty of Tahoe when I was growing up there.....the minute we drove up and saw the lake for the first time....it took my breathe away!   I miss Tahoe....would never want to love there again..but its a nice place to visit!
Over looking Emerald Bay

Ryan and Emerald Bay

Sand Harbor on the Nevada side....perfect place for Jet skiing, Kayaking and swimming

We had some fun adventures on the Jet ski

Went sailing around the west shore...although there was no wind...so we motored around the west shore

Enjoying the sun and the wind....

is this our new house?

Or maybe this one?

This one?

Nope..this one!

So fun!

Flur De Lac...where they filmed The Godfather

Crsystal blue waters

Clear waters....love them!!!!

Yeah...Lake Tahoe!

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