Thursday, April 21, 2011

no catchy titles for this entry..just an update

Its been a few weeks since I last did an entry. Its been a little busy around here...lots going on. We were in Arizona for about 5 days after Steve passed. We were helping mom and dad go through things and make arrangements. It was extremely difficult for Ryan, Paul, Peter and Craig. Ryan and Paul cleaned out Steve's room and found his treasures. Steve loved zippo lighters and loved to collect them...he also loved Precious Moments(something he shared with his mom). He had an AMAZING collection. It was hard going through things, but also a chance for me to get to know my brother in law a little bit better.

We are heading back to Arizona this weekend for Easter. No doubt it will be another hard trip. Long nights, early mornings...but lots of family fun! This will be my first Easter away from my mom...a little hard for me.

I turned 37 (THIRTY SEVEN) this week.....what the heck? When did I get so old? In honor of my birthday Ryan made sure we had a I decided I wanted a Guacamole party! Everyone that came brought me was the great Guac Off of 2011!

No other real news here....Im sure there is more..just cant think of it!

Until then I leave you with this CUTIE!!

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